Today we are going to talk about five things that are important when purchasing a pair of wrist wraps. These are typical questions that we get asked here at, and we thought that these would be a great explanation to help you decide on the wrist wraps of your choice.

1. What length do you purchase?

    In today’s online shopping, many different wrist wrap lengths are being offered. TuffWraps Villain Wrist Wraps are available in 16”, 24”, 30” (inch) lengths. The length of the wrist wrap is an essential factor as it helps to determine how much support they will provide. What exactly does the length mean? The longer the wrist wrap is then the more support they will provide, but the bulkier they will be. We see many people assume that they need a 30” wrist wrap but to find out that it’s way too long and bulky. Here at TuffWraps, we offer a free exchange where we will send you a prepaid label so you can get the proper size you need. Remember, one free exchange per customer! For the majority of the people, the 16” is a great place to start, and we recommend this as our go-to size wrist wrap.

    2. Do you prefer a STIFF or NON-STIFF wrist wrap?

    The type of material used in a wrist wrap can have various properties from softer, rougher, more stretch, or less stretch. Our Regular Villain Wrist Wraps are made from a softer material that is very comfortable on the skin. These will also have a better stretch, which will allow you to control how secure you want your wrist wraps. On the other hand, the STIFF Villain Wrist Wraps will have a rougher feel and will offer less stretch. These will give you a “cast-like” feel.

    So what’s better? This is, of course, personal preference, and if you’re looking for a cast-like feel, the STIFF would be your choice. But again, remember, they will be rougher on the skin. 

    3. Do you have any prior injuries?

      We always recommend if you are experiencing any type of pain, please seek your medical provider to ensure that you are okay to train. Just remember, wrist wraps are a great tool to help with those old nagging wrist injuries. If you have a wrist injury, the 24” would be the one we recommend. Why? The longer the wrist wrap is, the more support that it will provide to your wrist joint, helping to alleviate any type of instability and/or pain in the wrist. Remember, the longer they are, the bulkier they will be, but the more support they will provide.  

      4. What are your goals?

        An important question to ask yourself is, are you using the wrist wraps for heavy lifts only or everyday use. For the typical person who likes to wear them throughout their entire workout, the 16” would be the best recommendation. If you’re using your wrist wraps for heavy lifts, PR’s, competition lifting, etc. the 24” or 30” would be the best recommendation. Like I said, the 16” are a great everyday wrist wrap and heck, even Julius Maddox - the world record bench press holder - even uses 16” wraps. If they can support his wrist for a 700+ bench, then they will be perfect for you.

        Last But Not Least…

        5. What color do you want?

          We know that everyone likes to be stylish in the gym, and this day and age color can be an essential factor in choosing your wrist wrap. We offer a wide selection of colors that will best fit your style.

          Just remember these are recommendations, and it comes down to preferences but ask yourself those questions we mentioned above as they will help guide you choose your wrist wrap for your purpose. 

          I recommend reading our, "Are Villain Wrist Wraps Any Good?" article as it has a great explanation about what Villain Wrist Wraps are and how to use them properly.

          TuffWraps Staff