Charles Griffen IFBB Pro

Name: Charles Griffen

IG: @charlesgriffen_ifbbpro

Q&A with Charles Griffen

Where are you currently training?

Minneapolis Minnesota

How did your fitness journey start?

After the passing of my mother I fell off the deep end and needed some discipline and structure put back in my life. What better else way to do that than with bodybuilding.

Who is your favorite athlete and why?

Micheal Jordan because he had the ability to convince himself that it was more important for him to win than anyone else, and he played like it.

What is your favorite food?

Mexican Food

What is your favorite Tuffwraps product and why?

Villain wrist wraps I have weak wrist so they really help support my wrist so I can push that weight.

What is an odd fact about you?

I eat pancakes with any main course dish

What is your favorite quote?

Believe only!

Competition History

2015 NPC USA’s 3rd

2015 Nationals 1st

2016 Ferrigno Legacy 5th place

2017 Cal Pro 3rd

2017 Muscle Mayhem 2nd place

2017 Chicago Pro 3rd

2018 Indy Pro 2nd

2018 Muscle Mayhem 1st

2018 Olympia 13th

2019 Chicago Pro 2nd

2019 Tampa Pro 6th

2021 Tampa Pro 3rd 

2022 Indy Pro 2nd

2022 Cal Pro 1st