TuffWraps Athlete: Darren Farrell


tuffwraps athlete darren farrell

Name: Darren Farrell

IG: @darrenfarrell_ifbbpro

Hometown: Cork, Ireland

Height: 180cm

Weight: 240lbs

Contest Weight: 215-220lbs

Off-Season Weight: 265lbs

Occupation: Online Coach

Residence: Dubai

I have been bodybuilding now for 7 years, having started when I got injured from professional sport at the age of 23. I turned Pro in 2019 in the classic physique division winning the overall in New Zealand. My livelihood revolves around fitness and nutrition along with my wife Becky who also competes and is an online coach. We have lived in Dubai now for 3 years and I train in the world famous oxygen gym in Abu Dhabi.

Nutrition Principles: Basic and consistent... no magic to it and don’t starve!

Training Principles: lots of volume and intensity! I train with fellow Tuff Wraps athlete Jamie Do Rego and we train twice a day 6 days a week with lots of heavy volume.

Current Goals (business/training/personal):
Business wise I’m not money motivated I just want to become a well respected coach, not have to worry about money and be able to train and do what I love whilst providing for my family.
Competing wise this year my goal in my debut pro season is to get first call out and then see where I stand before I look any further. One day I will get to that Olympia stage.

My motivation is myself, I have overcome a lot to get where I am today having battled through depression. Now I see everyday doing what I’m doing as a blessing.

Q&A with Darren Farrell

Where are you currently training?

Dubai, UAE

How did your fitness journey start?

I have played sport all my life as both my parents were professional athletes. Sport was my life and I played at the highest level in both hockey & Rugby as well as pro football until u14. At 23 I suffered a career ending injury and discovered bodybuilding then as I was in the gym for rehab.

How do you balance your social life and fitness life? 

I look at it very simply - I train, eat my meals and don’t think about it other than that so the rest of my time I put into work with clients and relax with my wife and friends. Saturdays I also take as a complete rest day and we usually go stay in a nice hotel, have a pool day and a nice meal out.

Who is your favorite athlete and why?

David Beckham because he used a talent that he loved to create an empire

What is your favorite food?

Cheat meal: Sushi | Prep meal: cream of rice

Favorite body part?

legs! When I started out I had tiny legs so I've made it my mission to build an impressive set of wheels! 

What is your favorite Tuffwraps product and why?

2 ply elbow & knee sleeves I use them daily pretty much

What is an odd fact about you?

Before bodybuilding I was a hockey player (field hockey)

What is your favorite quote?

Love the life you love, love the life you live (have this tattooed on my wrist)

Competition History/Highlights

IFBB Pro Card (New Zealand overall) other than that Iv actually only won one other show which was my first ever show which was an u75kg class win back when I was 24!!

Turning Pro in New Zealand 2019.

Qualifications: B.A in economics, Masters in International Business, Masters in Sports Nutrition.

tuffwraps athlete darren farrell