The Advantages of Wearing Wrist Wraps During Workout

The Advantages of Wearing Wrist Wraps During Workout

Weightlifting is one of the most effective ways to build muscle and strength. While it is important to use proper form and technique while lifting, it is also important to use the appropriate equipment to ensure safety.

TuffWraps Staff
How to Choose the Best Powerlifting Singlet for Your Workouts

How to Choose the Best Powerlifting Singlet for Your Workouts

Are you looking for a powerlifting singlet that will provide the support and comfort you need for your heavy-lifting sessions? With so many options available, it can take time to figure out where to start. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to consider when selecting a powerlifting singlet, so you can make an informed decision and get the best possible results.
Jaysen Sudnykovych
8 Proven Strategies for Overcoming Your Deadlift Plateau

8 Proven Strategies for Overcoming Your Deadlift Plateau

Deadlifting is one of the most effective exercises for building muscle strength and power. However, reaching a deadlift plateau can be frustrating and make it difficult to see progress in your lifting routine. If you struggle to increase your deadlift weight, don't worry - it happens to everyone at some point. This article will explore 8 proven strategies for overcoming your deadlift plateau and taking your strength to the next level.
TuffWraps Staff
5 Benefits of Using a Weightlifting Belt

5 Benefits of Using a Weightlifting Belt

Weightlifting belts are an often-overlooked piece of equipment that can benefit those who use them while working out. When lifting heavy weights, the muscles in the lower back, as well as the abdominal area, are put under a significant amount of stress. A weightlifting belt can support these muscles, reduce the risk of injury, and improve overall performance.
TuffWraps Staff
Dan Solomon Announces 2023 Olympia to Take Place in Orlando, Florida During the First Week of November

Dan Solomon Announces 2023 Olympia to Take Place in Orlando, Florida During the First Week of November

At the post-Olympia seminar on December 18, 2022, Olympia president Dan Solomon announced that the 2023 Olympia will be staged in Orlando, Florida sometime in the first week of November 2023. Though he did not give specifics on the dates, it is expected that the show will likely span from November 3-5.
TuffWraps Staff
Discover the Amazing Benefits of Wrist Wraps: Get Ready to Take Your Workouts to the Next Level!

Discover the Amazing Benefits of Wrist Wraps: Get Ready to Take Your Workouts to the Next Level!

Looking to take your workouts to the next level? If so, consider investing in Villain Wrist Wraps! Wrist wraps are an essential piece of gear for any serious athlete. They provide support and stability to your wrists. At the same time, you lift, allowing you to lift heavier weights without the risk of injury. In this article, we will explore the amazing benefits of wrist wraps and how to use them for maximum effectiveness. Let’s get started! 
TuffWraps Staff
Watch Live - Magnus Classic Final 2022 - Iceland

Watch Live - Magnus Classic Final 2022 - Iceland

TuffWraps are pleased to announce that in partnership with Jakabol Strongfit we are able to give you live access to the 2022 Magnus Ver Magnusson Final from Iceland!Organised and run by none...
James Colwell
The Arnolds Sports Festival 2022 UK

The Arnolds Sports Festival 2022 UK

The TuffWraps Team recently took a weekend at the 2022 UK Arnolds Sports Festival at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.
TuffWraps Staff
Differences Between a Stim and Non-stim Pre-workout

Differences Between a Stim and Non-stim Pre-workout

When it comes to pre-workout supplements (often referred to as just a pre-workout), there are two main types: stim and non-stim.

But what exactly is a stim and a non-stim pre-workout? What does each one do? Which one should you choose? We have all the answers for you, so that you can make an informed decision and use either, or both, to maximize your exercise routines.

TuffWraps Staff
Tagged: Supplements
5 Tips For A Bigger Bench Press

5 Tips For A Bigger Bench Press

If you’re asked “how much do you bench, bro?” and your answer is “not enough”, I truly sympathize with you.

The barbell bench press is known for improving chest strength, size, and power, but performing it to perfection can be quite a challenge. Many people struggle to develop a bigger bench press despite going up in weight and increasing the number of times they bench per week. They often push harder, not knowing they’ve reached the dreaded “plateau”.

TuffWraps Staff
Tagged: Bench Press
Strongman Champions League UK - Behind The Scenes

Strongman Champions League UK - Behind The Scenes

The Strongman Champions League made it to the UK last weekend for the first time in quite a few years.  With the popularity of Strongman growing around the globe at...
TuffWraps Staff
tuffwraps live view magnus classic australia

Watch Live - Magnus Classic Qualifier 2022 - Australia

TuffWraps are pleased to announce that in partnership with Jakabol Strongfit we are able to give you live access to the 2022 Magnus Ver Magnusson Qualifier from Australia!Organised and run by...
TuffWraps Staff