Tuffwraps Athlete: Rachel Daniels
Name: Rachel Daniels
Occupation: IFBB Proffesional
Residence: Dallas, Texas
Website: www.therealoislane.com
Rachel Daniels is an IFBB Pro Women's Physique Top 7 Olympian, CEO of Iron Heroine, LLC clothing & apparel, as well as an online trainer, nutrition, and posing coach. Rachel is one of the top posing coaches in the world. Rachel began her body building career in 2018, moving from the European PCA League's Bikini division to the NPC League's Women's Physique and Bodybuilding divisions in 2019, holding titles in each league and categories.
Rachel earned her IFBB Pro Card at NPC National Jr. USAS's show in Charleston, SC in August 2020. A week later, she made her IFBB Pro Debut at the IFBB Pro League's New York Pro show held in her home town of Tampa, FL. Rachel placed 1st overall in the Women's Physique Division at the NY Pro, securing her 2020 Olympia qualification, making her the only woman in IFBB history to win her IFBB Pro Card and win her first Pro show one week later. Rachel most recently competed in the December 2020 Olympia placing 7th in the world in the Women’s Physique Division at her second Pro Show and First Olympia.
Rachel is a former gymnast, who moved on to dancing, boxing, and theater after major spinal reconstructive surgery when she was only 14 years old. Currently, Rachel takes on her alternate stage persona "The Real Lois Lane", based on her motto, "I Am the Woman Who Can".
Q&A with Rachel Daniels
Where are you currently training?
Dallas, TX
How did your fitness journey start?
I was a former gymnast and fighter who had never weight trained. I mentally hit rock bottom at a point in my life, and decided I wanted to be the strongest women I’d ever met. I picked up weights and never looked back
Who is your favorite athlete and why?
Myself, because everything I achieved has defied the limitations of what little I thought I was capable of. I believe you should be your own superhero and I continue to push myself past the limits of my potential daily because of it.
What is your favorite food?
Peanut butter and jelly, heavy on the peanut butter and jelly.
What is your favorite Tuffwraps product and why?
Knee wraps, legs are my favorite. Every time I wear them I hit a PR
What is an odd fact about you?
I’m a great sailor
What is your favorite quote?
“There is no exquisite beauty, without some strangeness in the proportion.” -Edgar Allen Poe