Master Your Fitness Game: In-Depth Gear Guides and Workout Tips by TuffWraps
Julius Maddox Does The Impossible, 700 lb Bench Press for 3 Reps!
An imposing sight. Have you ever seen 700lbs loaded on a bench? Fourteen 45lb plates, two 10lbs, and two 2.5lbs plates, plus the 45lb bar. Waiting, almost daring to be moved. 700lbs.
Johnnie Harris Smashes The National Record Bench Press with a Lift of 655 lbs
What an epic weekend it was for TuffWraps Athlete Johnnie Harris @power_bbuilder who competed in his first powerlifting meet. He walked away with a National Record Bench Press lift of 655 lbs in the 285 lb weight class.
VIDEO: Julius Maddox is Now The World Bench Press Record Holder (739.6 lbs / 335.5kg)
Julius Maddox set a NEW world Record his past weekend with an amazing lift of 739.6 lb.
Will Julius Maddox Hit The World Record Bench Press Today?
Interested in watching Julius break the All-Time World Record live?
Click the link below for an email notification letting you know when the Facebook Live Event is starting.
Wondering how to use our Figure Lifting Straps? We have made it simple and easy with this tutorial. This video explains how to put them both on and remove after lifting. These are great for deadlifting, shoulder shrugs, and/or any type of pulling movement when training in the gym.
Julius Maddox Attempts a Bench Press World Record today!
Yes, you read it correctly, Julius Maddox (@irregular_strength) attempts a world record bench press of 740 lbs at The American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, TX. We are ver excited for this day, and we are here to support him during his venture today.
How To Perfect Your Form And Sumo Deadlift Like A Pro
When it comes to building raw muscle, there's no exercise quite like the deadlift. There's an animalistic instinct that comes along with lifting heavy weights off the floor and holding them in your hands. It's an experience that transcends the body and connects you with the true power stored in your muscles.
What Are Figure 8 Lifting Straps & How Do You Use Them?
When lifting in the gym, we all want to get stronger and adding heavier weight to our program is the way to achieve that. When you increase weight while training your grip can be one of the first things that fail. This is where lifting straps have become an essential piece of gym gear that many people use. There are many types of lifting strap options from Figure 8 Lifting Straps, Cotton Lifting Straps, Leather Lifting Straps, and many others.
Can What You Wear Really Affect Your Performance in The Gym? (Hint: Yes)
If you have ever wondered whether or not what you wear while you work out can impact your performance, then I have an answer for you. And that answer, quite simply, is yes. There are, in fact, many reasons that what powerlifters wear during their workouts has a clear impact on the quality of the workout itself.
Why Powerlifters Should Make Yoga Part of Their Program
Yoga for powerlifters may be a new concept for some, but for those powerlifters who have made yoga part of their programming, it has become an essential part of their success. Understanding why powerlifters should consider incorporating yoga into their programming, it's important to look at the benefits of yoga and the needs of powerlifters.
Injury Prevention and Recovery Recommendations for Modern Powerlifters
Injury prevention and recovery are two topics that powerlifters rarely want to think about. However, developing workouts based on injury prevention techniques can extend powerlifting years and quality. As a...
5 Pieces of Weightlifting Gear That Can Improve Performance and Prevent Injury
Weightlifting gear was designed to improve performance and prevent injuries. But, with so much gear on the market, it can be challenging to determine which gear really works and what improvements to expect.