So, you think you might want to get started with a resistance-training program? Great!

Now where exactly do you start?

What does this machine do?

What type of gear do I need?

How heavy of dumbbells do I use?

Oh my goodness!!!

I think my head is going to explode!!!

Sound familiar?

Allow me to soothe your nerves a little and express to you that choosing to incorporate resistance training to any exercise regimen is extremely wise. Fitness experts employ the analogy of choosing resistance training over cardio activity is like depositing money into your savings account rather than your checking account.

Here’s a link to help further explain this concept:

Now, the basics, where to start?

It’s worth it for me to inform you that the healthfullest choice is to incorporate the help of a personal trainer. Certified personal trainers have been tested in the proper way to perform most injury risk related exercises. They can show a person the proper way to perform these exercises with minimal risk of injury. Personal trainers can also push an individual out of their comfort zone, testing ones limits as to maximize results.

You may be thinking, "I hear you but personal trainers aren’t cheap. What about just doing things on my own?"

I understand ones concern in this situation. However, it’s important to consider a personal trainer as an investment. You can’t exactly unlearn all of what a personal trainer teaches you. Keep that in mind when considering the cost. A personal trainers goal is not to have a client dependent on them for life. Their primary goal is to educate and motivate one enough that eventually that person can do it all on their own.

It’s also worth it for me to advise you that in this age of information accessibility do some online research of your own. Don’t rely on a personal trainer to inform you of everything. There’s a wealth of knowledge out there. Dig in and educate yourself also. But number one, don’t rush into a program with first acquiring proper coaching to prevent ignorance resulting in injury.

Below are some links to user-friendly Youtube videos that can be very helpful to a contentious beginner:

Also included here is a link to free workout programs to motivate you and easy enough for the beginner to follow:

Remember to always proceed with caution, listen to your body and consult with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen.

Stay Tuff,

Team TuffWraps

TuffWraps Staff