Unlock Your Weightlifting Potential: A Simple Beginner's Guide to Lifting Straps

    Unlock Your Weightlifting Potential: A Simple Beginner's Guide to Lifting Straps

    Lifting straps are equipment designed to help weightlifters and powerlifters lift heavier weights than they could without them. They are typically made from a cotton or nylon material that wraps around the wrist and the barbell, allowing the lifter to maintain a more secure grip. This allows them to lift more weight than they would be able to otherwise, leading to greater gains in strength and size.

    How Lifting Straps Are Used for Different Exercises

    Lifting straps are an important tool for anyone looking to increase their strength and power in the gym. They can be used for various exercises, from squats to deadlifts, to get the most out of every rep. Below, we discuss some of the best ways to use lifting straps for different exercises.


    When performing deadlifts, you should place the strap over the bar and secure it snugly around your wrist. Make sure the strap isn't too tight or too loose. For the best grip, ensure the strap is positioned across the middle of your palm and the heel of your hand. The strap will provide extra support when you start lifting the bar.


    When performing rows, you should position the strap around the barbell, and then wrap it around your wrist. Make sure the strap isn’t too tight or too loose. Keep your wrist straight and grip the barbell with your thumb on top. As you row, the strap will keep the weight from slipping out of your hands.


    When performing chin-ups, you should secure the strap around your wrist and ensure that it is not too tight or loose. Place your hands on the bar and keep your wrists straight. As you pull yourself up, the strap will help you keep your grip on the bar.


    When performing shrugs, you should secure the strap around your wrist and ensure that it is not too tight or loose. Hold the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart and keep your wrists straight. The strap will make sure that you don’t accidentally let the weight go.

    What Are the Benefits of Using Lifting Straps?

    Many people don’t realize how beneficial lifting straps can be and overlook their importance. Here are some of the benefits of using lifting straps.

    1. Increased Grip Strength 

    Lifting straps help to increase the grip strength of the lifter. Using the straps, the lifter can focus on the actual lift instead of worrying about maintaining a grip on the bar. This allows them to lift more weight and get more out of their workouts.

    2. Reduced Fatigue

    Using lifting straps helps to reduce fatigue in the forearms and biceps. This is because the straps take some of the weight off the muscles and shift it to the straps, allowing the muscles to rest. This allows the lifter to lift heavier weights without tiring out as quickly.

    3. Improved Performance

    Studies have shown that using lifting straps can improve performance in several ways. It can increase the weight that can be lifted, reduce fatigue, and help to improve overall form.

    4. Safety
    Lifting straps can also help to make a workout safer. They reduce the risk of injury by helping keep the bar in the correct position and keeping the hands from slipping off the bar. This can help to reduce the risk of serious injuries that can occur during heavy lifting.


    Lifting straps are extremely useful for weightlifters and can help them achieve their goals more easily. They can be used for various exercises and can help increase the amount of weight that can be lifted. They are also very helpful for preventing injuries.

    If you are looking for a lifting strap for your workout, you can get one from us at TuffWraps. We have created innovative lifting straps of highest quality for your workout. Check out what products we have at TuffWraps.