What is your name?

Dan Chapman

What is your IG Handle?


How long have you been a TuffWraps Ambassador?

1 to 6 months.

What is your occupation?

Retail Manager

What is your favorite TuffWraps product, and why?

Camo Villain Wrap - my first purchase from TuffWraps. Something so simple that made a huge impact on my training. However, that is closely rivaled with my new Tuff Lever belt - been smashing PR after PR with this one!

Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?

My journey started in 2018 at the age of 30 - you're never too old to start. Years after stopping football to focus on a career and starting a family - I put weight on, became unfit and was also diagnosed with a degenerative kidney condition called iGa Nephropathy. Determined to change me & my health around, I hit the gym and have not looked back since. Although my condition can't be cured, going to the gym has given me a whole new lease of life - I am fitter and more confident than I ever have been!

What are your future goals in terms of fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle?

I want to lose more body fat and become a lot leaner, but doing it by having a good balance across fitness, food, and home life



TuffWraps Staff