Master Your Fitness Game: In-Depth Gear Guides and Workout Tips by TuffWraps
Branch-chain amino acids: Should You Take Them?
If you are at all involved in the fitness community, you have probably heard something about branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs). You may know they are essential for muscle building and part of any well-rounded supplement regimen. While it is true that they can help with muscle building, some of the hype surrounding taking a BCAA supplement may be just that, hype. So, let’s take a look at BCAAs and why you need them or why you don’t.
The 5 Most Common Weightlifting Injuries and How to Avoid Them
Weightlifting has its risks of injury just like any other sport. And just like football, basketball, or golf, prevention of injury is key to a long career. After all, the best way to heal an injury is to avoid ever getting one in the first place. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent injuries, there are methods that are proven to greatly reduce the risk of having weightlifting injuries.
This isn’t my real job, you know
As any fitness enthusiast knows…gym is life. If you do work a regular day job then train before or after work, the real joy comes from training. It can feel...
Can What You Wear Really Affect Your Performance in The Gym? (Hint: Yes)
If you have ever wondered whether or not what you wear while you work out can impact your performance, then I have an answer for you. And that answer, quite simply, is yes. There are, in fact, many reasons that what powerlifters wear during their workouts has a clear impact on the quality of the workout itself.
25 Of The Best On-The-Go Meals and Snacks for Fit College Students
For fit college students, eating healthy especially while on the go can be one of the biggest challenges of your college career. When not running from one class to the next or attending events and working part-time jobs- college students who want to be fit and healthy, also have to remain aware of the caloric intake, fat and trans fat, and cholesterol in convenient food options.
TuffWraps Athlete Julius Maddox Gets 3rd In The WORLD!
If there was ever something to celebrate, then this is a valid subject...
When your previous best bench press in a meet was 705 lbs the thought of opening with 716 lbs is quite a daunting task, but that's clearly what our man Julius Maddox did at the record breakers meet last night.
Why Powerlifters Should Make Yoga Part of Their Program
Yoga for powerlifters may be a new concept for some, but for those powerlifters who have made yoga part of their programming, it has become an essential part of their success. Understanding why powerlifters should consider incorporating yoga into their programming, it's important to look at the benefits of yoga and the needs of powerlifters.
Static Monsters World Qualifier Went Down!
This past weekend our TUFF UK team witnessed the UK leg of the Static Monsters World Qualifier, held in central London at the Commando Temple Gym in Deptford. TuffWraps UK headed along to support some of our athletes that were battling it out for an invite to the finals next year on Australia's Gold Coast!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In October we entered the last quarter of 2018 and so begins the season of excessive carbs and calories. AHHH! Good times! But October is also Breast cancer awareness month.
Mental Health and Fitness
So, lets talk for a minute about mental health… Every single person will go through an experience in their lifetime when their mental health will be challenged. In today’s society...
Need a Boost in Your Performance?
Check out Nootropics; the buzz worthy supplement which is said to improve brain function and athletic performance.
Injury Prevention and Recovery Recommendations for Modern Powerlifters
Injury prevention and recovery are two topics that powerlifters rarely want to think about. However, developing workouts based on injury prevention techniques can extend powerlifting years and quality. As a...