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Derek Lunsford Crowned Mr. Olympia 2023
Strongwoman Lucy Underdown Shatters Deadlift World Record with a 701-lb Lift (Video)
The world of Strongwoman sports has been buzzing with excitement, and the name on everyone’s lips is TuffWraps Athlete Lucy Underdown. She recently set a new Deadlift World Record at the 2023 Giants Live World Deadlift Championships, lifting an astonishing 701 pounds (318 kilograms). This feat has not only shattered previous records but has also set a new benchmark in the realm of strength sports.
Again? Another World Record Bench Press Broken By Julius Maddox - 744.1 lbs
Yes, a bench press world record you read it correctly...744.1 lbs. 😮
Julius Maddox has broken his old World Record Lift of 739.6 lbs, which were set early this year at the Boss of Bosses Powerlifting meet in California. The NEW record he set is 744.1 lbs, and you can watch it below.
Julius Maddox Does The Impossible, 700 lb Bench Press for 3 Reps!
Johnnie Harris Smashes The National Record Bench Press with a Lift of 655 lbs
VIDEO: Julius Maddox is Now The World Bench Press Record Holder (739.6 lbs / 335.5kg)
Will Julius Maddox Hit The World Record Bench Press Today?
Interested in watching Julius break the All-Time World Record live?
Click the link below for an email notification letting you know when the Facebook Live Event is starting.
Julius Maddox Attempts a Bench Press World Record today!
TuffWraps Athlete Julius Maddox Gets 3rd In The WORLD!
If there was ever something to celebrate, then this is a valid subject...
When your previous best bench press in a meet was 705 lbs the thought of opening with 716 lbs is quite a daunting task, but that's clearly what our man Julius Maddox did at the record breakers meet last night.