Master Your Fitness Game: In-Depth Gear Guides and Workout Tips by TuffWraps
TuffWraps Featured Ambassador - Matt Clynne
Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?
I moved to south Florida from upstate New York 6 years ago. All I had was a tiny car and my dog didn’t really have a place to stay and barely had any money but I knew I could make something of myself down here as a personal trainer. I rented rooms from people and moved 6 times in 2 years as I studied to become a trainer. I started as a personal trainer for the YMCA and busted my butt working two jobs almost 80 hours a week until I built up enough clients and built up enough of a following to do personal training full time. Now I own a condo and a brand new truck all through hard work. It’s been a long crazy journey but I couldn’t be happier doing what I do for a living. I love helping people change there lives and motivating others to achieve goals they never thought possible.
TuffWraps Featured Ambassador - Hunter Tompkins
Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?
I started Powerlifting when I was 14. I knew I loved it and wanted to do it as soon as I maxed out on bench press for the first time, I think I got like 180. I’ve grown over the years as a lifter and as an athlete & competitor. I’ve competed in 3 USA Powerlifting competitions and it’s like a drug for me. I’m currently at a 1462 Total. When I compete again I’m shooting for 1600, I’m always a much better competitor when I have a number in my head. My main goal right now is to aide in getting Powerlifting on ESPN on the regular. I feel that we deserve that and we just need that platform.
TuffWraps May 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Maria White
Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?
I have been on stage twice now with the PCA, chasing that top 3! I will get there!!
TuffWraps April 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Cody Cash
TuffWraps March 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Markus Unnuno
TuffWraps January 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Dan Chapman
TuffWraps November Ambassador of the Month - Leon Pegler
TuffWraps October Ambassador of the Month - Adam Alvarez
TUFF Ambassador of the Month: Michael Prigmore
It was equivalent to an IED blast injury in the military, and I ended up with three surgeries, the last being plastic surgery. In fact, the surgery was done and will be tracked for 18 months by the US Dept of Defense; that’s the rare uniqueness of the injury.