Johnny Harris is the 1st person under 300 lbs to bench press 700lbs

Johnny Harris is the 1st person under 300 lbs to bench press 700lbs

TuffWraps Athlete Johnny Harris did the unthinkable last night while at CT Fletchers Iron Wars. There has never been an individual in history who was under 300 lbs to bench press that kind of weight.
TuffWraps Staff
TuffWraps January 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Dan Chapman

TuffWraps January 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Dan Chapman

My journey started in 2018 at the age of 30 - you're never too old to start. Years after stopping football to focus on a career and starting a family - I put weight on, became unfit and was also diagnosed with a degenerative kidney condition called iGa Nephropathy.
TuffWraps Staff
Again? Another World Record Bench Press Broken By Julius Maddox - 744.1 lbs

Again? Another World Record Bench Press Broken By Julius Maddox - 744.1 lbs

Yes, a bench press world record you read it correctly...744.1 lbs. 😮

Julius Maddox has broken his old World Record Lift of 739.6 lbs, which were set early this year at the Boss of Bosses Powerlifting meet in California.  The NEW record he set is 744.1 lbs, and you can watch it below. 

TuffWraps Staff
Julius Maddox Does The Impossible, 700 lb Bench Press for 3 Reps!

Julius Maddox Does The Impossible, 700 lb Bench Press for 3 Reps!

An imposing sight. Have you ever seen 700lbs loaded on a bench? Fourteen 45lb plates, two 10lbs, and two 2.5lbs plates, plus the 45lb bar. Waiting, almost daring to be moved. 700lbs.
TuffWraps Staff
TuffWraps November Ambassador of the Month - Leon Pegler

TuffWraps November Ambassador of the Month - Leon Pegler

I train strongman, have met some of the strongest people in the world. I have pulled 2 trucks at the same time and a train. Hoping to get to Europe soon.
TuffWraps Staff
Johnnie Harris Smashes The National Record Bench Press with a Lift of 655 lbs

Johnnie Harris Smashes The National Record Bench Press with a Lift of 655 lbs

What an epic weekend it was for TuffWraps Athlete Johnnie Harris @power_bbuilder who competed in his first powerlifting meet.  He walked away with a National Record Bench Press lift of 655 lbs in the 285 lb weight class.
TuffWraps Staff
Deep Discounts When Buying our Blemished Wrist Wraps....Learn More

Deep Discounts When Buying our Blemished Wrist Wraps....Learn More

We are excited to release our Blemished Villain Wrist Wraps that we have here at the TUFF Headquarters.  Our Blemished Wrist Wraps have minor flaws in them but are still fully functional.  We have listed below some things that we consider blemishes.
TuffWraps Staff
Tagged: New Products
TuffWraps October Ambassador of the Month - Adam Alvarez

TuffWraps October Ambassador of the Month - Adam Alvarez

Well, I’ve been working out for eight years straight.  At first, I began working out at the recreation center when I was younger.  My body type at that time was lean, skinny, and tall.
TuffWraps Staff
Are Villain Wrist Wraps Any Good?

Are Villain Wrist Wraps Any Good?

This question gets asked quite a bit, and today we are going to let you know if Villain Wrist Wraps are any good or not!
TuffWraps Staff
It's Official, first in the industry with NCAA Licensed Wrist Wraps!

It's Official, first in the industry with NCAA Licensed Wrist Wraps!

We are super pumped to offer NCAA Licensed Wrist Wraps.  We started with the University of Florida as it was a local college to our warehouse.
TuffWraps Staff
VIDEO: Julius Maddox is Now The World Bench Press Record Holder (739.6 lbs / 335.5kg)

VIDEO: Julius Maddox is Now The World Bench Press Record Holder (739.6 lbs / 335.5kg)

Julius Maddox set a NEW world Record his past weekend with an amazing lift of 739.6 lb.
TuffWraps Staff
Julius Maddox World Record Bench PRess Attempt 2019

Will Julius Maddox Hit The World Record Bench Press Today?

Interested in watching Julius break the All-Time World Record live?

Click the link below for an email notification letting you  know when the Facebook Live Event is starting.

TuffWraps Staff