Master Your Fitness Game: In-Depth Gear Guides and Workout Tips by TuffWraps
Julius Maddox Does The Impossible, 700 lb Bench Press for 3 Reps!
An imposing sight. Have you ever seen 700lbs loaded on a bench? Fourteen 45lb plates, two 10lbs, and two 2.5lbs plates, plus the 45lb bar. Waiting, almost daring to be moved. 700lbs.
VIDEO: Julius Maddox is Now The World Bench Press Record Holder (739.6 lbs / 335.5kg)
Julius Maddox set a NEW world Record his past weekend with an amazing lift of 739.6 lb.
Julius Maddox Attempts a Bench Press World Record today!
Yes, you read it correctly, Julius Maddox (@irregular_strength) attempts a world record bench press of 740 lbs at The American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, TX. We are ver excited for this day, and we are here to support him during his venture today.
Can What You Wear Really Affect Your Performance in The Gym? (Hint: Yes)
If you have ever wondered whether or not what you wear while you work out can impact your performance, then I have an answer for you. And that answer, quite simply, is yes. There are, in fact, many reasons that what powerlifters wear during their workouts has a clear impact on the quality of the workout itself.
Mental Health and Fitness
So, lets talk for a minute about mental health… Every single person will go through an experience in their lifetime when their mental health will be challenged. In today’s society...
Need a Boost in Your Performance?
Check out Nootropics; the buzz worthy supplement which is said to improve brain function and athletic performance.
Resistance Training: Where to begin
So, you think you might want to get started with a resistance-training program? Great! Now where exactly do you start? What does this machine do? What type of gear do...
6 Easy Steps to Keep You Motivated
Motivation is defined as an internal process that moves a person to action towards a goal. It’s the forces that activate behavior. So, then why do so many of us lose motivation so quickly? 6 easy steps for keeping up the motivation in your life.