Master Your Fitness Game: In-Depth Gear Guides and Workout Tips by TuffWraps
TuffWraps Featured Ambassador - Hunter Tompkins
Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?
I started Powerlifting when I was 14. I knew I loved it and wanted to do it as soon as I maxed out on bench press for the first time, I think I got like 180. I’ve grown over the years as a lifter and as an athlete & competitor. I’ve competed in 3 USA Powerlifting competitions and it’s like a drug for me. I’m currently at a 1462 Total. When I compete again I’m shooting for 1600, I’m always a much better competitor when I have a number in my head. My main goal right now is to aide in getting Powerlifting on ESPN on the regular. I feel that we deserve that and we just need that platform.
Welcome IFBB Pro James Hollingshead
Ervin Toots Wins Lithuania's Strongest Man 2020
Beasts of the Bench - June 20th on ESPN!
TuffWraps May 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Maria White
Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?
I have been on stage twice now with the PCA, chasing that top 3! I will get there!!
How To Use Lifting Straps With Charlie Johnson [VIDEO]
TuffWraps April 2020 Ambassador of the Month - Cody Cash
TUFF Quarantine Challenge 1 Week Left! is Giving away over $1000 in Prizes to over 40+ Winners!