What is your name?

Hunter Tompkins

What is your IG Handle?


How long have you been a TuffWraps Ambassador?

2 Months

What is your occupation?

Physical Therapy Tech

What is your favorite TuffWraps product, and why?

Villain 30’ Wrist Wraps. They are extremely durable and reliable for heavy bench press. Being a competitive powerlifter, I rely heavily on them.

Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?

I started Powerlifting when I was 14. I knew I loved it and wanted to do it as soon as I maxed out on bench press for the first time, I think I got like 180. I’ve grown over the years as a lifter and as an athlete & competitor. I’ve competed in 3 USA Powerlifting competitions and it’s like a drug for me. I’m currently at a 1462 Total. When I compete again I’m shooting for 1600, I’m always a much better competitor when I have a number in my head. My main goal right now is to aide in getting Powerlifting on ESPN on the regular. I feel that we deserve that and we just need that platform.

What are your future goals in terms of fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle?

My number one goal in powerlifting is to compete overseas at IPF Worlds. I know that I have it in me, I just have to do the work. As far as nutrition and lifestyle, I’m going to continue doing what’s been working for me up to this point. Which is my strict high protein high carb diet.



TuffWraps Staff