What is your name?

Matt Clynne

What is your IG Handle?


How long have you been a TuffWraps Ambassador?

1 month to 6 months

What is your occupation?

Personal trainer/ group fitness instructor

What is your favorite TuffWraps product, and why?

Power elbow sleeves they give me the support I need to push more weight than I ever thought I could

Tell us about your Fitness journey and where it has to lead you to today?

I moved to south Florida from upstate New York 6 years ago. All I had was a tiny car and my dog didn’t really have a place to stay and barely had any money but I knew I could make something of myself down here as a personal trainer. I rented rooms from people and moved 6 times in 2 years as I studied to become a trainer. I started as a personal trainer for the YMCA and busted my butt working two jobs almost 80 hours a week until I built up enough clients and built up enough of a following to do personal training full time. Now I own a condo and a brand new truck all through hard work. It’s been a long crazy journey but I couldn’t be happier doing what I do for a living. I love helping people change there lives and motivating others to achieve goals they never thought possible.

What are your future goals in terms of fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle?

Own a gym



TuffWraps Staff