Wrist wraps have become an indispensable accessory in the fitness community, offering a blend of support and flexibility for enthusiasts engaged in various physical activities. Let's dive into the world of wrist wraps, understanding their purpose and how they can enhance your workout experience.

In recent years, wrist wraps have gained remarkable popularity among fitness enthusiasts. These simple yet effective accessories play a crucial role in providing support and stability to the wrists during intense workouts. As we explore the world of wrist wraps, it's essential to comprehend their purpose and how they contribute to a more efficient and secure exercise routine.

What are Wrist Wraps?

Before delving into their purpose, let's define wrist wraps. These are sturdy bands typically made of elastic or cotton materials designed to encircle the wrist securely. The primary function of wrist wraps is to offer stability to the wrist joint during weightlifting, powerlifting, or other activities that involve repetitive wrist movements.

What Do Wrist Wraps Do?

One of the primary purposes of wrist wraps is to provide added wrist support for lifting movements. This is particularly crucial during heavy compound exercises like deadlifts or rack pulls where the wrists are subjected to increased stress. Wrist wraps offer a level of support that can help prevent injuries and enhance overall performance.

Wrist wraps effectively distribute the load across the wrist, reducing the strain on individual ligaments and tendons. This minimizes the risk of overuse injuries and helps alleviate discomfort, allowing individuals to push their limits without compromising on safety.

When Do You Need Wrist Wraps?

You only really need wrist wraps when performing heavy compound lifts like bench presses, squats, and deadlifts. They provide the extra support needed to maintain proper wrist alignment, reducing the risk of injury.

Outside of deadlifts, squats, and deadlifts, you can also use  wrist wraps for curls, shoulder presses, push presses, and even bodyweight exercises like handstands. 

It’s also acceptable to use wrist wraps when recovering from an injury since they provide additional wrist support. However, talk to a personal trainer or healthcare professional before using them during the recovery process.

When to Avoid Wrist Wraps

You should avoid wrist wraps when performing lighter exercises that don’t strain your wrists. In this case, you should allow your wrists to move naturally so that you can focus on proper form and prevent dependence on your wraps. 

It’s also the same for rehabilitation exercises. If you have wrist injuries or health issues, check with a professional before using wraps, as they might not be the best choice and could even make things worse. Also, be aware that wraps limit how much your wrists can move, which might not be ideal for exercises that need a full range of motion or a lot of wrist flexibility.

Using Your Wrist Wraps Correctly

Wrist wraps provide many benefits but only if you use them correctly. In this section, we’ll focus on how to use your wrist wraps, proper technique, and other general tips for using your wrist wraps the right way.

How to Put on Wrist Wraps

  1. Begin with the end of the wrist wrap in your hand, leaving a short tail hanging.
  2. Place the loop around your wrist, ensuring the short tail is on the inner side of your wrist.
  3. Wrap the longer end of the wrist wrap around your wrist, moving towards the outer side.
  4. Adjust the tension by pulling the wrap tighter or looser, depending on your comfort and the support needed.
  5. Once you've wrapped it around a few times, secure the end by threading it through the loop on the inner side of your wrist.
  6. If using a pair, repeat the process for the other wrist.

Pro tip: Ensure that the wrist wraps are tight but not too tight. The goal is to provide support without restricting blood flow. While a secure fit is essential, over-tightening the wraps can lead to discomfort and may even contribute to issues like carpal tunnel syndrome. Find the right balance between support and comfort.

For a more detailed guide, we recommend reading our article on how to use wrist wraps

The Best Wrist Wraps to Try Today

When it comes to choosing wrist wraps, there are several options you can choose. We like to use TuffWraps wrist wraps since they come with no thumb loop so you don’t have to wrestle with your thumb loop to get your wrist wrap properly fitted:

  • 24” Villain Wrist Wraps: Villain wrist wraps use a belt loop tightening system similar to how a belt tightens around your waist. The wraps are also made with a high-quality cotton/poly elastic blend to absorb sweat and moisture. 
  • 30” Villain “STIFF” Wrist Wraps: These are like the Villain Wrist Wraps above but are specifically made for strongmen, powerlifting, and weightlifting. These wrist wraps are very stiff and act like a cast so we recommend using these for lifts with minimal wrist movement. 
  • These are not the only wrist wraps available on our site. We sell a variety of no-thumb-loop wrist wraps in a wide range of colors, including black & gold, pink & teal, and even ‘Merica. Check today. 



    What is the Best Length for Wrist Wraps?

    The best length for wrist wraps is typically 16”. For larger wrists, you can find wrist wraps around 24” and 30”. 

    Should I get stiff or flexible wrist wraps?

    You should get flexible wrist wraps if you’re doing a wide variety of lifting exercises. If you want to increase your maximum strength, you can use stiff wrist wraps for maximum wrist support.

    What are the downsides of wrist wraps?

    The main downside of wrist wraps is overuse. Overusing your wrist wraps can weaken your wrist joints and tissue, making you more dependent on the wraps to achieve your lift. 

    Should I get lifting straps or wrist wraps?

    You should get lifting straps if you want to lift more weight. Wrist wraps don’t help you lift heavier. They help stabilize your wrist during the exercise. 

    Related: Straps for Deadlifting: How to Use Them
    Jaysen Sudnykovych