How To Use Your Villain Wrist Wraps or Cloth Style Wrist Wraps
Trouble putting on your wrist wraps?
Have no fear; we are here to show you how to put on those bad boys!
We have two videos below that will explain how to put on your Villain Wrist Wraps and our Cloth Style TuffWraps.
Please click the links below and you will be on your way to using your wraps!
How To Use Your Villain Wrist Wraps
How To Put On Your TuffWraps Wrist Wraps
1. Grab a wrap and align it, so the colored thread is facing the wrist as shown below.
*note there will be no TuffWraps logo on the end where the thumb loops are.
2. Wrap itself around your wrist keeping the stitching inline until you reach the end of the wrap. Once you are at the end of the wrist wrap, give it a twist to tighten down the wrap. The wrap should be snug but not too tight where it cuts off your circulation.
3. Take the string and just loop it around the wrap and tuck the string under itself several times to secure the wrap. (PLEASE DO NOT PULL THE STRING TO TIGHTEN)
4. You are ready to start lifting! You can tighten and loosen by just twisting clockwise and counterclockwise to your personal preference.