TuffWraps Athlete: Benquil Marigny
IG: benquilpierre
Occupation: IFBB Professional & Coach
My name is Benquil Marigny (Ben for short). I'm an IFBB Pro Men's Physique competitor. I competed in my first bodybuilding show in August of 2018 where I won my class and won the overall. I then went on to win my pro status in May of 2019 at Jr. USA Championships. I competed in my pro debut in October of 2019 where I placed 3rd at the Kentucky Muscle pro show. I've competed in 7 pro shows now with 3rd place being my best placing on two occasions. My goal is to qualify for the Mr. Olympia competition and eventually become the best in the world. Aside from competing, I am an online lifestyle and competition coach. I offer customized diet and training plans. I also offer posing for competitors of any division. I went to college at Kentucky Wesleyan College where I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science degree. I played football and ran track in college. I also served in the Army reserves from 2011-2017. Feel free to email me if you're interested in coaching: ifbb.benquilpierre@gmail.com. You can also reach me on Instagram at @benquilpierre.
Q&A with Benquil Marigny
Where are you currently training?
Owensboro, KY
How did your fitness journey start?
Playing sports from my youth days throughout college. Fell in love with working out because I wanted to be bigger, stronger, and faster.
Who is your favorite athlete and why?
Kobe Bryant - "Mamba Mentality"
“Mamba mentality is all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work when it matters most. It’s the ultimate mantra for the competitive spirit. It’s something athletes — and even non-athletes — embrace as a mindset. Hard work outweighs talent — every time. Mamba mentality is about 4 a.m. workouts, doing more than the next guy and then trusting in the work you’ve put in when it’s time to perform. Without studying, preparation and practice, you’re leaving the outcome to fate. I don’t do fate.”
What is your favorite food?
•Southern style home cooked fried chicken
•Chicken and waffles
•Fried Catfish
•Chick-Fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich
•Zaxby's Chicken Tenders
•Five Guys Cheeseburger
•BBQ Chicken Pizza
What is your favorite Tuffwraps product and why?
"Tuff" Script Dad Hat. Comfortable and stylish for everyday wear!
What is an odd fact about you?
I hate feet! 🤮
What is your favorite quote?