IG: @hannahranfranz

My name is Hannah Ranfranz. I was born & raised in Indiana, but followed my dreams & now live in Florida! I am an IFBB Bikini Professional, a personal trainer, and an online coach. I also volunteer/mentor for children! I fell in love with health & fitness at a young age and pursued my bachelor’s degree in Applied Exercise & Health.  I minored in Organizational Leadership & Supervision to expand my knowledge. I have always had a passion for helping others & found my niche in the bodybuilding industry. I coach lifestyle & competition prep clients online, I teach posing, & I train clients in person. I love that there is no finish line in health & fitness. It is a continuous, never-ending journey. I enjoy helping others build strength in the gym to conquer the world outside of the gym. I love to teach that a healthy lifestyle brings us more than just physical benefits, but emotional & mental benefits as well! No two bodies are the same. We are all unique in our own ways, & I strive to help others create the best version of themselves, inside & out! I compete to inspire all those around me, spread knowledge on exercise & health, encourage others to be confident in themselves, motivate them to achieve their goals, & then create bigger ones, as well, as to spread kindness, laughter, & love!

Q&A with Hannah Ranfranz

Where are you currently training?

St.Petersburg FL

How did your fitness journey start?

I fell in love with health and fitness when I was young, then pursued my degree in exercise & health, I began competing after college & found my niche!

Who is your favorite athlete and why?

Angelica Teixeira! She is an amazing role model to women, on and off the stage. She is always giving back & helping her community. She promotes & lives a healthy lifestyle year round. She makes time for all her family and loved ones while pursuing all her dreams and goals. She empowers & inspires all of those around her!

What is your favorite food?

A warm cookie with frosting, ice cream, whipped cream & sprinkles. Sugar sugar and more sugar!!!!

What is your favorite Tuffwraps product and why?

Weight lifting belt! It helps protect and support my back throughout all of my lifts! I can lift heavy and I never have experienced any back pain!

What is an odd fact about you?

I love to do puzzles. Jig saw puzzles! Lol!

What is your favorite quote?

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist. That is all. Oscar Wilde

Competition History

  • NPC - 2017-2018
  • Continental USA 1st place 2017
  • Badger State 1st place 2017
  • National Bodybuilding Championships 6th place 2017
  • Junior USA’s 8th place 2018
  • Junior Nationals 1st place 2018 (Pro card earned)
  • IFBB - 2018-2019
  • Chicago Pro 7th place 2018 (Pro Debut)
  • Legends Classic, 3rd place 2019
  • World Klash, 16th place 2019
  • Indy Pro, 2nd place 2019
  • St. Louis Pro, 4th place 2019
  • Battle at the Falls, 6th place, 2019
  • Pittsburgh Pro, 11th place 2019
  • New York Pro, 7th place 2019
  • Toronto Pro, 11th place 2019
  • Optimum Classic, 7th Place 2019
  • Miami Muscle Beach, 12th place 2019
  • Iron Games 2019, 4th place 2019
  • Niagara Falls Pro, 4th place 2019
  • Battle of Texas, 1st place 2019 (Olympia 2020 qualified)