It's summer, which means a lot of people are traveling and taking vacations. For a lot of people, vacation doesn't always mean taking time off from the gym—especially when it often DOES mean indulging in foods and drinks outside of their normal diets. It can be difficult to find the time to make it to an actual gym or to find a gym to go to. Here are some suggestions for making your workouts happen, even when you're on the road.

Drop-In to a Local Box
Check out to find CrossFit gyms local to where you will be. Check out their website or Facebook pages to find out their schedule and drop-in policies. Be prepared to pay a drop-in fee or participate in a t-shirt exchange. Drop-in etiquette was addressed in a recent blog, so check it out for more info!

Bodyweight Workouts
There are plenty of workouts you can do without any equipment at all. Push-ups, sit-ups, air squats, pistol squats, etc. can be combined to make an awesome workout! These can easily be done in a hotel room for a quick morning workout before you get your day started! Go outside and add in some running for some cardio!

Find a Local Park/Playground
Many of you may have kids, which can make it challenging to get a workout in on vacation. Take them to a park, and you'll be surprised by how much you can do while they play! Typically you can find a spot to do pull-ups, box jumps, toes-to-bar, and all those bodyweight exercises mentioned above. This gives you the opportunity to do plenty of “The Girls,” including Angie and Cindy. Get creative and you can get a great workout. I personally like to do planks with my feet on a swing and bring my knees into my chest and back out again—hello abs!

Bring Some Equipment With You
If you have your own jump rope and kettlebell, bring them with you on your trip, if possible. They don't take up much space (though a kettlebell will add some weight to a suitcase if you are flying!) but give you so many more options for your workouts!

Make Use of the Hotel Gym
I know most hotel fitness centers aren't exactly conducive to CrossFit, but there is plenty that you can still do in them. You'll typically be able to find a treadmill and some dumbbells if nothing else. Use dumbbells in place of a kettlebell or even a bar (dumbbell thrusters, anyone?) and use the treadmill for a quick AMRAP.

You know what they say, where there's a will there's a way. If you want to workout on your trip, you can make it happen. It might mean getting creative, it might be slightly inconvenient, but if it's important to you then you have plenty of options. Don't let your travels stand in the way of your relieving stress or working towards your fitness goals!

About the Author
Jess Brady: Jess graduated from college in 2009 with a Bachelors in Psychology and a minor in Athletic Coaching. She went on to get her Masters in Community Counseling in 2011 and currently works as a mental health counselor at a university in South Carolina. Jess was a competitive gymnast for 12 years, and completed both a half- and full marathon before making the transition to CrossFit in June 2014. So far she is loving the sport and is looking forward to getting her Level 1 certification later this year. Outside of work and CrossFit, Jess can be found posting pictures of her cat, Bella, on Instagram or visiting her soldier at Fort Bragg.


TuffWraps Guest Writer