Master Your Fitness Game: In-Depth Gear Guides and Workout Tips by TuffWraps
Paleo Diet Benefits for the CrossFit Athlete
CrossFit athletes are some of the most disciplined individuals that you will ever meet. Their mindset can be seen in their appearance and disposition. To maintain this level of vim and vigor requires being efficient with every aspect of your lifestyle. This means there is more needed than engaging in the different rigorous WODs. Finding a diet that is a healthy complement can be a challenge. One diet that has bubbled to the top as the best available for high impact athletes is the Paleo Diet. This post will discuss the particulars about what the diet is all about, the foods included and the benefits provided to the CrossFit enthusiast.
CrossFit Training: The Path to Reaching Your Body's Full Potential
Over the years, exercise fads have come and gone as athletes, sports enthusiasts, and individuals looking for a challenge have tried to find the best way to hone their bodies. While many programs have their pros and cons, CrossFit training has revolutionized the fitness world. For those who want results that are enduring and will bring about a true transformation, CrossFit is the way to go. It will take commitment and hard work as you push yourself further than you've ever gone before. In the end, you'll walk away with the body that you've always wanted. Once you go with CrossFit, you won't go back.
2015 Reebok CrossFit Open Schedule Is Here
Put the Weight of the World on Your Shoulders to Improve in Crossfit
While many of us have experienced significant gains in our athletic abilities and physical appearance thanks to Crossfit, we all reach a fitness plateau where our progress and gains appear to have stalled, at some point.
On the Road….Visit a Crossfit Box
he holiday season is upon and many Crossfitters will be on the road visiting family and friends. While traveling, one of their concerns may be how am I going to keep up my workouts. The answer for many will be a visit to a local Crossfit affiliate in the city or town that they will be in.
Before you “drop-in” for a workout, you want to thoroughly research affiliates in the area you are visiting to see if they allow for visitors to stop in for workouts.
Scaling Your Workouts for a Better CrossFit Experience…And Results!
The World’ Fittest Man and Woman, Rich Froning and Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, can RX a CrossFit workout at nearly anytime, but for most of us Crossfitters, the RX’d WOD, at least initially, can be an elusive concept.
But, thanks to the ability to scaled workouts, everyday Crossiftters can experience the same or better results than some Games athletes. As stated by CrossFit’s Founder Greg Glassman, “The needs of an Olympic athlete and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. One is looking for functional dominance, the other for functional competence….We scale load and intensity; we don’t’ change programs.”
7 Commonly Asked Questions About Wrist Wraps for CrossFit & Powerlifting
In today's world of CrossFit & Powerlifting there are numerous types of accessories to buy and use. From olympic lifting shoes, wrist wraps, knee supports, back supports to name a few. These are some of the most common types of CrossFit, olympic lifting and powerlifting gear you will find today's athletes using. One of the most commonly misunderstood and used accessories are the infamous wrist wraps. The primary purpose of the wrist wraps are to provide you with support when lifting weights that are greater than 50% of your 1 rep max. If the weight is too heavy, there is a chance for a sprain/strain injury. Some of you maybe asking what is the difference between a sprain and a strain injury, glad you asked.