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Master Your Fitness Game: In-Depth Gear Guides and Workout Tips by TuffWraps

If you like lifting weights, you've probably come across the dilemma of using wrist wraps or lifting straps. Both of these accessories can provide support and assistance during your workouts, but they serve different purposes and have distinct advantages.
  • 7 min read
If you’re into weightlifting, you’ve probably heard about the hang clean and power clean. Both are effective exercises for building strength, but what’s the difference between hang cleans and power cleans?
  • 6 min read
Wrist wraps are used to provide support when you lift. However, many lifters don’t know how to use wrist wraps correctly and even more don’t know how to put them on. Today, we’ll show you how to put on wrist wraps, how tight you should wear your wraps, and what mistakes to avoid. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 
  • 7 min read
Welcome to our exploration of one of the essential elements in powerlifting - the sumo deadlift grip. This particular grip variation is critical in successful lifting, especially in deadlifts. It's often used as an alternative to the traditional deadlift and offers unique advantages. Understanding the proper technique, including the correct grip, can be a game changer for lifters aiming to improve their performance and break through their personal bests.
  • 7 min read
Having the right gear cannot be overstated if you're serious about your fitness regimen. Your workout gear should provide the support you need for your exercise and contribute to your comfort and style. And when it comes to style and comfort, nothing beats an oversized gym t-shirt. From providing unrestricted movement to offering an effortless, relaxed look, an oversized gym t-shirt is a staple every fitness enthusiast should have in their wardrobe.
  • 4 min read
Knee sleeves have become a popular accessory for athletes, gym-goers, and anyone looking to protect their knees during physical activity. While powerlifters and weightlifters initially popularized them, knee sleeves have found their way into a wide range of sports and activities. If you're considering investing in knee sleeves, here's everything you should know.
The Murph workout is not for the faint-hearted but embodies the grit, resilience, and strength required in CrossFit. Tackling this intimidating workout requires physical strength, the right gear, and a holistic understanding of our bodies. This three-part guide will walk you through the process of mastering the Murph, exploring topics from essential strength gear to hydration strategies. Let's dive in.
  • 7 min read
We all know the vital role knee sleeves play in our weightlifting, squat, or deadlift workouts. They provide ample support, reduce the risk of injury, and help us push past our limits. However, taking care of them, especially when it comes to cleaning, is an area many of us tend to neglect.
  • 4 min read
If you're serious about strength training and achieving fitness milestones, it's time to delve into a rigorous barbell workout for your legs. TuffWraps, a leading fitness strength gear brand, is here to guide you through the process, equipping you with the right gear and expert advice for an optimally effective workout.
  • 4 min read
Weightlifting and powerlifting, two pillars of strength training, have garnered a massive following around the globe. These disciplines, though different, share a common goal: pushing the limits of human strength and resilience. Whether you're hoisting a barbell overhead in a clean and jerk or deadlifting twice your body weight, you're not just lifting weights but challenging the boundaries of your potential.
Unleashing one's strength and seeing the fruits of one's labor is a thrilling experience. Powerlifting is one such sport that tests the limits of human strength. However, it requires not only an effective powerlifting program but also the right gear to ensure optimal results.
In the realm of strength training, the secret weapon of many serious lifters isn't always what you'd expect. It's not only their villain wrist wraps or carefully selected weightlifting belts. It's something a little more... volatile. Yes, we're talking about smelling salts.


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